Vibrators, Kegel, sex pills, lubricants can help Menopause
It’s the slow down of reproductive system in a woman-not the drop in sexual arousal or libido. The two systems that include the sexual organs-the reproductive and the sexual system contribute to the mental and emotional health of a woman.
Menopause decrease the level of estrogen, which for some women is the start of an emotional roller coaster.
Many women experience sex intercourse becomes less enjoyable because there is less natural lubricant, vagina becomes thinner, the vaginal is more sensitive. This can create a 'dry' feeling.
If you are in good health its recommended to keep a sexual active life. Whether by self-pleasuring with a Clitoral vibrator or a G Spot Rabbit Vibrator or by intercourse with a lover. This helps to alleviate many of these symptoms. Your sexual organs needs exercise to keep healthy and strong just like how you go to the gym for training.
We have a huge selection of premium quality sex pills for woman in stock here. The most popular tablet is the Vixen pills. Vixen is formulated with 100% organic & natural ingredients designed to work naturally with a woman's body to increase desire, orgasms, and overall sexual appetite.
Exercising the PC muscle (see our article on Kegel and Pelvic Floor Exercise here) and keeping it toned will also help.
Exercise will promote blood flow to your pelvic region. Blood and energy flow to the sexual organs, and it will also help keep your bladder control strong and effective.
The best one is the LeLo Kegel Mini Beads for Pelvic Floor muscles training and strengthening.
You only need to do about 10 minutes of Kegel exercise per day and should see good results in about 2 to 3 weeks. For more information check out this great article on everything about Kegel and Pelvic exercise
With regular orgasms and keep the PC muscle tone. This not only keeps us sexual, it also, it also prevents the seepage of urine.
Usually there might be not enough natural lubricant but you can also add extra to promote the body to produce it. JO Organic with Chamomile is very popular as it’s an all-natural organic product suitable for sensitive area where stimulation is required.
Men undergo a similar sexual experience to menopause called viropause. This is the time during an older man's life when his levels of the hormones testosterone and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) start to decrease more rapidly
Most men do not notice when his hormones level drop. It can happen without him realizing, it can happen at any age starting from around 45 years old.
Many men will experience a massive drop in sexual arousal. It starts with softer erection, premature ejaculation and lack of sexual desire is all the signs on a viropause. There are supplements on the market can help with this problem and boost the sexual level back to normal.
The most popular products are the men’s sex supplement tablets available here, the Max Dura performance tablets. This is a natural form of Viagra works by increase blood flow to the penis and enhance the erection. This is not recommended for anyone with high blood pressure.
Erectile dysfunction reduce the sexual performance in early menopause for the men. Instead of the symptoms like vaginal dryness, night sweats, and menstrual period stops men experience softer erection and reduction in sexual desires. Oral sex with the aid of a bullet vibrator or a clitoral stimulation can help in some case.
Men can you masturbation sex toys like pocket pussy or penis pumps to help with stimulation of the penis muscles to improve performance.
The longer we share ourselves with our lovers, the better we know each other and the stronger and more intimate our bonds can be.
We need to embrace our entire sexual lifecycle with positive images of growing older. Menopause and viropause can be times of power with renewed self-confidence, energy, inner beauty, and sexual abundance. Some men and women will rely on masturbation for their orgasms.
With the explosion of sex toys on the internet and the current COVID-19 lockdown everyone is turning towards sex toys for pleasure. Masturbation is a good way to release stress, promotes blood flow and can burn as much as 120 Calories per orgasm.
By honoring and celebrating this phase of our lives, we can change our own and society's perceptions of growing older. Embrace and respect ourselves as elders, healers, holders of wisdom, guides, and teachers.
1. Be sexual with one another or with yourself by self-pleasuring at least once a week with a dildo or vibrator. Dildos and vibrator stimulates the vagina walls and muscles 10 times more than your finger.
2. This will boost the blood flow to your sexual organs
3. Touch each other often, loving affection produces the happy hormone and we instantly feeI better for it
4. For older men and women making love give the man plenty of genital stimulation. Use the soft entry technique when needed, this helps with premature ejaculation.
There are options such as delay sprays that you can purchase to help with premature ejaculation. Spray direct to the tip of the penis, massage it for a few minutes for the oil to soak into your skin.
The product desensitizes the penis hence give you longer lasting sex. The most popular delay spray can be bought here is the Stud 100, it’s a great product for the past 30 years. Customers all over Australia swears by it, this product have saved many relationships and stops people from cheating.
5. Make sure the woman is well lubricated with premium personal lubricant. As you get older your body need good lubricant. Something like this swiss navy premium lubricant is perfect for the older couples. It last longer and does not absorb into your body as quick, it does not dry and becoming sticky.
6. Avoid or reduce Cigarettes, alcohol any drugs that have negative sexual Side effects
7. Exercise daily to keep active and flexible.
8. Eat fresh and healthy foods
9. Free yourself of expectations during lovemaking you will avoid dissatisfaction and frustration. Explore with joy in a spirit of adventure and playfulness.
10. Accept that not every love encounter you share be ai masterpiece Keep your excitement high your expectations low
11. Avoid taking yourselves or the practices too serious. Play with each other and you will experience love making as fun as well as profound.
Apparently, people in couples live longer than single people.
True love and sexual power is the ability to satisfy one’s self and one lover, and to do so over a lifetime.
5 min read
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