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July 18, 2022

It’s been a long week of running the kids to and from school plus their extracurriculars, homework and assignments, shopping, cooking, working, housework, pets, family commitments, and someone has been sick; now my partner wants to get all handsy with me, and it couldn’t be the furthest thing from my mind. I am covered in mum, and I may or may not have run a brush through my hair today - I have been so busy I can’t even remember. 

Now I feel guilty. I want my partner to feel wanted, but it’s just another thing to fit into my already never-ending day. I want to be into this, but after everything, it’s a struggle to find the energy; the kids will probably interrupt anyway. And it makes me a little mad that they don’t just get that and stop pawing at me…

If this sounds like you, then you are not alone! Life as a mum usually means you are always on the go and need to have multitasking down to a fine art most days. Let’s be honest – it is exhausting. It is really easy to prioritize everything else over your relationship with your partner and yourself. 

First of all, give yourself a break – we have all been there! Want to get yourself back on track? Try some of these tips.

Schedule it!

It might sound a little strange, but for a lot of time-poor mums out there, everything has to go in the calendar, or it simply does not happen. Whether it’s a date night, a little self-care, or just sitting down to a quiet meal together with no phones or tv once a week. Schedule it in and follow-through, just like everything else on there.


Some may think that it should go without saying, but it is essential to remember to make time for your own needs too. It is easy to fall into the habit of ‘doing’ for everyone and not taking the time for your own mental and sexual health. Let the family know you are switched off for 20 minutes and do something for you! Run a hot bath, get those candles and/or relaxing music, and take a breath. Who says you can’t also spend some time exploring your own body simultaneously! Relax and connect with YOU again.


In life and love, it truly is the little things that count. So, whether you have been with your partner for one year or 10, it is still important to take the time to show you care. A quick SMS through the day to let them know they are on your mind or a cheeky message/photo! Maybe you have arranged to cook your partner a nice meal. Decide to go to bed early from time to time and spend time just touching each other. 

Date Night

Organize a babysitter and get out there! Go for a meal, see a movie, do an activity, go for a drive, pretend you’re horny teenagers and park somewhere for a make-out session. Come see us and grab some sexy lingerie to wear or one of our panty vibrating toys for some added fun. Make the time to get out of the house together.


Don’t be afraid to try something new. Perhaps it is your first time with handcuffs or some form of vibrating and/or sucking toy. Maybe you always wanted to try adding an extra person (or more) to your bedroom play. Whatever your desire, the beauty of a bricks-and-mortar store is your can come in and talk to us and see the range of things available up close. 


Our team here at Funtasia have been trained by our resident sexologist Elaine Turner, and we pride ourselves on being knowledgeable in as many areas of sensual and sexual play as possible. Whether it’s massage oils, toys, BDSM gear, or lingerie, we have something for everyone. Come in and talk to one of our friendly staff and let us help you to reconnect.

Above all, take the pressure off and enjoy yourself!


Author of this article:

Funtasia Penrith Sexpert

3 min read

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