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July 27, 2024

Strap in and strap on, today we’re talking about the history of strap-ons.

Like most X-rated history it’s pretty difficult to say anything with certainty. The history of the dildo itself predates the written word, so records of the use of strap ons are hard to determine. Plus modern historians and archaeologists are often hesitant to call a spade a spade (or in this case; a strap a strap) to avoid offending delicate modern sensibilities. But if you look past the vague descriptions of “erotic acts” you can see some pretty clear examples of the use of strap ons in ancient times. 

Wall murals in the Suburban Baths in the Roman city of Pompeii show two women having a grand old time with a strap on. (not to mention heaps of other salacious scenes). 


I won’t lie to you, this particular wall mural is pretty hard to see what they’re doing exactly, but considering everything I’ve read seems to identify these two as lesbian lovers, for once I’m inclined to agree with experts.

Somewhere between the 2nd and 4th century; this one author described how since men enjoyed having sex with men, women should enjoy having sex with women.“Let them strap to themselves cunningly contrived instruments of lechery, those mysterious monstrosities devoid of seed, and let woman lie with woman as does a man.”(preach king) 

Jumping across the globe really quickly to the Han Dynasty in China (206 B.C.E- 220 C.E), archaeologists have excavated bronze dildos which could have been held in place with leather or silk thongs. These dildoes are also so similar to modern examples that I actually find it strangely heart warming to know just how little we’ve changed in 2000 years. 


Moving into the 18th century, we get another literary mention of a woman using a strap-on in 1795, by the Marquis de Sade (high up on my list of ideal historical dinner party guests) in his book Philosophy in the Bedroom. In the 19th century we can see some more strap on use in art. Albert Hendschel (1834–1883), a  German illustrator became relatively well known for his impressively erotic sketches. My personal favourites are of two lovely ladies taking turns using a strap on each other. And unlike the wall murals of Pompeii there is absolutely zero mistaking what is going on. 


Other notably sexy sketches include: 2 nuns using a dildo, and one of a guy going at it with a goat. Long time readers (aka, the three friends that I constantly send these posts to) might recall all the other times goats have featured prominently in the human history of sex. (check that out here and here)

The term pegging was coined in 2001 by LGBT columnist Dan Savage. Pegging has been showing up in popular culture more and more these days, Deadpool himself having been famously pegged in 2016. Essentially pegging has been around for a really long time, and exists as another awesome way to explore sexuality and power dynamics. So now that you know a little bit more about strap ons why not treat yourself to one for you or your partner? Funtasia has a wide range for every preference, check them out here

Funtasia Sexpert and Lover of Gay Art

Verin Sampson 


Amores (English only, Loeb version) 

Erotic art in Pompeii and Herculaneum Wikiwand. Available at:,_affreschi_a_tema_erotico_nello_spogliatoio,_06.jpg 

Klausner, A. (2017)The ancient Chinese were pretty kinky,New York Post. Available at: 

Check out more info on Hendschel and see more of his sketches and illustrations here:

3 min read 1 Comment

1 Response


August 10, 2024

Fucking phenomenal (pun intended)

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