Buy now,
10 weekly payments
Everyone likes small stuff – like paying in 10 weekly instalments instead of all at once. Use LatitudePay to get what you want today, then spread out your payments so they’re no big deal.
You can now buy sex toys with buy now pay later options with LatitudePay. At Funtasia Adult Shop you can purchase any adult toys from vibrators to masturbators and dildos with LatitudePay.Â
Sex Toys has never been so affordable with 10 payment options offered by LatitudePay.
You can buy a dildo or a butt plug today, take it home with you and don't have to pay a dollar later.
There is no limit on how how you can spend on sex toys with Latitude Pay. For example, if you purchase a sex games at our adult shop online or instore for $100 then you decided you want to purchase a butt plug and a penis pump for an extra $150.
As long as your account limits allows you then you can purchase as much sex toys as you like with Latitude Pay.Â
Yes, you can buy a sex machine worth $500 or a sex swing cost $200 as long as your account limit allows you to do so.
With Easy Payment you can play now and pay later.Â
Get set up in minutes. Just give us a few details and if approved, you’re good to shop at your favourite store or online (up to $1,000).
Pay each instalment on time and it won’t cost a cent more than the purchase price. If you miss a payment there’s a $10 fee, but we’ll send you a reminder to help keep you on track.
Pay over 10 weekly payments. That’s more leeway to pay than other payment plans.
Login to see your shopping history, change your payment day, add a card… even pay the balance off early. Make your money work for you, that’s its job.
Look for LatitudePay in the online checkout or shopping cart. It won’t cost you any extra – just select it as your payment option.
First time you sign up you’ll need to grab your ID (for example, an Australian Driver’s Licence or Passport), plus your Visa or Mastercard for the weekly payments. It’s easy and takes about two minutes. Next time you just log in.
If approved, you’re good to go… just like that. Pay over 10 weekly payments. Go forth and shop.
For more information visit Latitude Pay